Color Laboratory Documentation Contents
If you see a colorpicker palette above and to the left of this text, and a thank you note to Bob Stein at at the bottom of this window, then you are reading this documentation in the swatches frame of the color laboratory. In that case, you may begin using the color laboratory at any time by clicking in the colorpicker palette above. If you are viewing this documentation in its own window, then you may switch to the color laboratory now or click on the 'Colorlab' link in the navigation header of any of these documentation pages.
Legal Text
who holds the rights to this work -
who may use it, and under what circumstances -
who is responsible for any consequences of use (you, the user!)
Purpose and Future Directions
why you should use this tool today, and why you will want to use it in the future -
who will most benefit from use of this tool -
what you will need in order to utilize this tool -
Acknowledgments and History
how this tool came to be
User Manual
where to find this tool's large-scale interface elements -
how to use the tool without worrying about the details -
Colorpicker Frame
how to use the colorpicker palette -
Controls Frame
how to use the baseline gamma controls, color simulation controls, and additional color selection controls -
Swatches Frame
what to expect in the swatches frame, and how to manipulate individual color swatches
Changes List
what changes have been made to this tool, and when -
Todo List
what changes are planned for the future -
what you will need to run the tool locally and/or submit patches to the color laboratory