Color Laboratory Legal Text
This page addresses specific legal issues. For more detailed acknowledgments, please see the acknowledgments and history page.
The AWARE Center page design and layout is copyright © 1999-2001 by the HTML Writers Guild, Inc.
The colorpicker palette images (three sizes) are copyright © 1999-2001 by VisiBone.
The color_blind_sims()
JavaScript function in the
engine.js file is copyright © 2000-2001 by
Matthew Wickline and the
Human-Computer Interaction Resource Network.
The rest of this work, including the remainder of the JavaScript and the documentation, was released by the author Matthew Wickline into the Public Domain on 2001 July 17th.
The colorpicker palette images are used with the permission of VisiBone.
The color_blind_sims()
function is used with the permission of
Matthew Wickline and HCIRN, and is freely available for non-commercial
use. For commercial use, please contact the
Human-Computer Interaction Resource Network.
(This notice constitutes permission for commercial use from Matthew
Wickline, but you must also have permission from HCIRN.)
Note that use of the color laboratory hosted at does
not constitute commercial use of the color_blind_sims()
function. However, use or packaging of that function (or a derivative
body of code) in a for-profit piece or collection of software, or text,
or any other for-profit work shall constitute commercial use.
Simulation options available represent broad ranges of variability. Actual simulations are unlikely to reflect exactly the perception of any given viewer. The intent is to provide a qualitative approximation rather than an exact simulation.
Matthew Wickline, The HTML Writers Guild, VisiBone, and HCIRN disclaim all warranties with regard to this color laboratory, including any express or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any purpose. In no event shall Matthew Wickline, The HTML Writers Guild, VisiBone, or HCIRN be liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages resulting from use, inability to use, access, or inability to access the color laboratory. This software is available on a user beware basis.
If you require a warranty, you should examine the source of the color laboratory to see that it will perform as you require. You must provide any warranty that you require. Note that the color laboratory may change, and you should use your locally verified copy in this case.